Saturday, October 26, 2013

40 Photos of Pamela Anderson chills out by a Red Bikini in France

Pamela Anderson Red Bikini Biarritz FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini Biarritz FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini Biarritz France

The 46 year old’s revealing her act on the Baywatch by a red bikini as Pamela Anderson’s still going hard by her beauty anatomy in Biarritz, France on Wednesday, October 2. . . . . . . Read and See more 40 pictures.

Pamela Anderson Red Bikini Biarritz FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini Biarritz FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini Biarritz France

Pamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini France

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40 Images of Pamela Anderson wears a Red Bikini in Biarritz, France

Pamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini France
Pamela Anderson jetted off for a sunshine break in Biarritz, France on Wednesday, October 2 with her ex-husband Javier Rick Salomon. . . . . . . Read and See more 40 pictures.
Pamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini France
Pamela Anderson Red Bikini France

Pamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini Biarritz France
Pamela Anderson Red Bikini France

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14 PHOTOS: Anastashia Ashley displays a "White Bikini" in Los Angeles

Anastashia Ashley white bikini Twitter
The Pro Surfer, Anastashia Ashley channeled Kim Kardashian and Kelly Brook with this flashing selfie as she shared her curves in a white bikini on her Twitter account.

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30 Photos Of Beyonce Knowles Show Off Sexy Tongue in Auckland, New Zealand

Beyonce Knowles sexy tongue New Zealand
The singer joins in Haka war dance performed backstage at New Zealand concert. Sticking out their tongues and grimacing, the strapping Kiwis chanted, grunted and sounded off chilling cries and Beyoncé Knowles, still wearing a lavish stage costume, gave as good as she got. . . . . . Read and See more 30 pictures.

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Beyonce Knowles flashes her Hot Tongue in New Zealand (30 PHOTOS)

Beyonce Knowles sexy tongue New Zealand
Giving it her all! The 32 year old wife of Jay Z seemed to be enjoying every minute of the dance as Beyonce knowles joined in when the crew at her October 19 concert in Auckland, New Zealand greeted her with a traditional Haka dance. . . . . . Read and See more 30 pictures.

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Pamela Anderson enjoys her day out in a “Red Bikini” at France (40 PICTURES)

Pamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini France
Wow, after emerged from the crystal water in Biarritz, France, Pamela Anderson showed off her incredible figure with a purple shawl to give another side of her gorgeous story in a red two piece. . . . . . . Read and See more 40 pictures.
Pamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini France

Pamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini FrancePamela Anderson Red Bikini France

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Friday, October 25, 2013

7 Powerful SEO Opportunities for Ecommerce Sites

English: a chart to describe the search engine...
English: a chart to describe the search engine market (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I don’t need to tell you that SEO for an Ecommerce site is really, really hard.
First off, you have literally hundreds — and sometimes thousands — of pages on your site that you need to optimize. In fact, Google Panda  — a Google update that specifically targets sites with thin or duplicate content — is a particular pain point for Ecommerce site owners.
I know that, after Google Panda first rolled out in 2011, Ecommerce site owners were scratching their heads and wondering: “how can I possibly make a product page that sells pajamas interesting and compelling?.”
Next, you have the issue of link building. As you’re probably aware, the number of one-way links pointing to your site (also known as “link popularity“) are the major determinant of where your site ranks in search engines. And Ecommerce sites have a particularly hard time building because most pages are simply product and category pages…not the type of content that tends to generate natural backlinks.
Fortunately, even though it may not be easy, your Ecommerce competitors are in the same boat.
And if you tap into even one of these 11 SEO strategies specifically for Ecommerce sites, you’ll zoom by them on Google’s first page.
#1: Identify Duplicate Content On Your Site
The first thing I do with every new client I take on is look for duplicate content on their site. It’s common for all sites — but especially large sites — to have archive and category pages with content that’s found elsewhere on their site.
The best way to identify any duplicate content issues you may be having is to install Google Webmaster Tools on your site. When you login, go to “HTML Improvements”. If you have duplicate title or description tags on your site, Webmaster Tools will show you where they are so you can make each one unique.
#2: Optimize On-Page SEO for Priority Pages

Google loves to show it’s users pages with lots of unique, value-packed content.
That’s a challenge for Ecommerce sites due to the sheer number of pages that you have on your site.
To get over that hurdle, identify 10-20 “priority pages” on your site that you’d like to boost up in the Google. It could be a product that converts well or a page that’s sitting at result #20.
Then add unique text and multimedia to those pages to make them compelling and worthy of backlinks.
#3: Create an Awesome Blog

An awesome blog can do so many things for an Ecommerce website: brand awareness, customer acquisition and (most importantly) generate high-quality organic search engine traffic.
To take advantage of your blog, choose keywords that potential customers use to search when they’re not shopping.
For example, if you sold tennis rackets, you might want to write blog content optimized around keywords like, “tennis elbow pain”. While these won’t convert as well as product-specific searches, they can generate a significant amount of buzz around your brand. And if the content is truly epic, it can even acquire natural backinks, which will increase the rank of all the pages on your site (even category and product pages).
#4: Crank Up Your Site Speed

Site loading speed is one of a handful of ranking signals that Google has officially confirmed as important. If your site loads slowly, Google will notice and adjust your rank accordingly.
You can easily test your site’s loading speed (and get specific suggestions on how you can improve it) by using Google’s free PageSpeed test tool:

#5: Focus on User Experience Metrics
If you have a lot of users visiting — and then quickly leaving — your site, you may have a bounce rate issue. Not only does this hurt conversions, but it can hurt your search engine rankings as well (no search engine wants to send their users to pages with poor user experience metrics0.
If bounce rate is an issue for you, take a cold, hard look at your top landing pages and ask yourself: “Why are people in a hurry to leave?”. Does your design need tweaking? Too many ads above the fold?
Whatever the issue is, it’s important to address it quickly so that Google continues to send traffic your way.
#6: Build Links from Manufacturer Sites
If you’re like most Ecommerce sites, you don’t make your own products. You may not realize it but manufacturer websites are potential gold mines for high quality backlinks.
Just make a list in Excel of all the manufacturers that you work with. Then, visit each site to see if they have an authorized retailers page. If so, reach out to them and ask if they’ll add your business to the list. Simple but effective.
#7: Guest Post on Targeted Blogs
Guest posting is a powerful content marketing one-two punch. First, you can get your site in front of a targeted audience without having to pay for clicks.
Second, you’re building high quality links back to your website.
You can easily find guest posting opportunities by using these search strings in Google:
“your keyword” + “write for us”
“your keyword” + “this is a guest post by”
“your keyword” + “contribute to”
That’s all there is to getting more search engine traffic to your Ecommerce website. Yes, it takes some work to put these strategies into practice. But when you do, you’ll leave your competitors — and all of their duplicate content and thin pages — in the dust.


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5 Ways to Speed Up Your Website

The average website user expects your website to load in 4 seconds or less. If your website is slow, not only are you losing so much business, but your SEO rankings also suffer. Speed optimization is important if you want to reduce the bounce rate of your website – the visitors will be happy, Google too will be happy with your site, and that can only translate to more business for your website.
So what steps can you take to improve the speed of your website? First, there’s the question of hosting. Knowing the right host for your website will help a lot in improving its loading speed. There are a lot of hosting providers with good customer reviews to choose from – Bluehost, and Hostgator to name a few. You also need to consider the appropriate hosting plan for your site.  Do you go for Shared, VPS or Dedicated Server hosting? Most people find the costs of the latter hosting packages too prohibitive, so they have to settle for a shared hosting plan. But whatever plan you purchase, you’ll need the following 5 tips to provide the optimum speed experience for your users. And it’s amazing the world of difference they can make.

1. Remove unnecessary plugins and themes
Your site’s loading speed is directly related to the number of HTTP requests made to the server. The more files needed to be served, the longer your page takes to load. Files loaded via HTTP request include: images, CSS stylesheets, and JavaScript and HTML files.
If you are using a CMS like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal, having many plugins running negatively impacts loading times as the number of HTTP requests gets higher. You can curb this problem by deactivating and deleting any plugins that you have installed but aren’t using. You might also be using some plugins that aren’t absolutely necessary; remove them too if they don’t add much value to your users’ experience.
You should also delete any themes you might have installed, since you can only use one theme at a time.
As an additional note, you may want to conduct a comment cleanup exercise, especially if your blog receives many spam comments. Switch off commenting on older posts too and you’ll have made some significant steps in trimming the database, hence faster load times.

2. Scale down your images
You will need to scale down your images both in terms of file size and dimensions. Compressing your images before uploading them can improve their loading speeds many times over, and one handy tool you can use to achieve this quickly is Google’s Page speed plugin for your browser.
Next, you’ll need to size the images to the right dimensions before uploading them. If you use WordPress, you might have noticed that it resizes images on the fly (for various display screens) after you upload them. This is an additional task the browser could do without. Why not use an image editing program like Photoshop to create the correct sizes before uploading the images?

3. Use a CDN (content delivery network)
A content delivery network, simply known as CDN, is a vast network of servers spread out across the world. It replicates the files you store on the server to the rest of the servers, allowing your web visitors to get served with content from the server that’s closest to them. This obviously improves the speed of file/content delivery in the browser and raises your SEO score. And if you offer file downloads on your website, a CDN will ensure your visitors are kept happy at all times due to the faster download speeds.
You can get started with the popular free CDNs like Cloudfare and Incapsula. You may also using consider MaxCDN or Amazon Cloudfront to store and serve your files. The differences may not become obvious for a regular blog, but for a photography or other media-rich website, a CDN can be too useful to ignore.

4. Utilize browser caching
As we noted earlier, using too many plugins in your CMS will increase the load on the server as more files and scripts will need to be pulled. The more complex the nature of your scripts or files, the longer it will take to load your pages.
For WordPress users, thankfully, you can take advantage of the built in browser caching functionality using a plug-and-play plugin such as WP Super Cache. The plugin basically functions by generating static HTML page versions to be served in the place of dynamic pages. This will work perfectly fine for most websites.
Another popular plugin is W3 Total Cache, which works in a similar fashion but is slightly more advanced as you can integrate it with a CDN. The plugin claims to boost your page loading speeds by up to 10X. You could also try the Quick Cache plugin, much simpler to use but still works fine.

5. Minify your site files and scripts
Increase the efficiency of your script files by “minifying” them. For virtually every website, the user’s browser has to download several CSS and JavaScript files to properly render the site. This is done one file at a time, as the browser tries to build the final look as it should be. If you use a long range or scripts and stylesheets, this can take considerable time.
Enter Minify, an application hosted on Google that diligently compresses the file sizes of your scripts by removing unnecessary white space and rewriting faulty URLs to point to valid resources on your server. If you are a developer, you can download Minify from Google’s code repository for free to use with your scripts. An alternative great script to minify your files is Minifier.

Tracking your page speed
Finally, as you make all these changes to improve site speed it would be nice to be able to accurately measure your results. And you need not look any further than Google’s Page Speeds Insights extension which you can install on Firefox if you also have Firebug installed. Yahoo also offers an alternative tool in YSlow.
With either of these tools, you should be able to keep track of the improvements in speed for each step you implement. It’s the only way, after all, to be sure that you’re making progress.


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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

100 Photos of Alex Morgan wears a "Blue Bikini" and Tattoo in Hawaii

Alex Morgan Blue Bikini HawaiiAlex Morgan Blue Bikini HawaiiAlex Morgan Blue Bikini Hawaii
Alex Morgan showed off her magnificent body in a blue bikini as The US soccer footballer has been catching the eye for the sunshine with friend, Sydney Leroux in Hawaii on Monday, October 7. . . . . Read more and see more 100 pictures.
Alex Morgan Blue Bikini HawaiiAlex Morgan Blue Bikini HawaiiAlex Morgan Blue Bikini Hawaii

Alex Morgan Blue Bikini HawaiiAlex Morgan Blue Bikini HawaiiAlex Morgan and Sydney Leroux Bikini Hawaii

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